
Nursing Attributes

Good Essays

This paper will discuss three attributes of a nurse: competencies, commitment and

compassion with a rational. Ethics / Human rights and communication concepts across

the human life span will also be discussed.

The three attributes were chosen on the basis that it takes a special type of person to

fulfil these requirements. Zhang et al (2000,pg 469) quoted that the -

‘ … Key differences between superior and average

job performance is not the measurable skills but the

soft skills or competencies.’

Competence is a persons underlying knowledge and attributes to complete a task to

meet job requirements. Nursing competencies are regarded as knowledge, skills, traits,

motives and attributes such as boundaries of care and …show more content…

Not all Asian people are Pakistani Muslims

just as not all white people with ginger hair are Welsh. The values of British people

from the North differ to those of the South just as the values of people in different

social classes differ. It is therefore a nurses responsibility to not demoralise a patient

or their family’s moral code if it disagrees with the nurses own code of ethics. This is

extremely difficult as often ethics and morals come from personal experiences and

how the person was brought up. A persons morals and ethics also change depending

on social circles, religious beliefs, society as a whole i.e. Media and culture. This is all

held and acted upon by a person’s subconscious mind and often is unknown to them

until they are placed in a situation that they disagree with. It is important that all

nurses follow the ethical decision making model by Thompson and Thompson (1985)

as quoted in the fundamentals of nursing (2004, pg76), review the situation to

determine health problems, decision needs, ethical components and key individuals

and to gather additional information to clarify the situation. Nurses must identify

moral positions of key individuals involved and identify value conflicts, if any, determine who should make the decision. Identify range of actions with anticipated

Outcomes, decide on a course of action and carry it out, evaluate/ review results of

decision / action.

In order for nurses to adhere

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