
Nursing Shortage : A Shortage Of Nurses

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There is no question that the United States (US) is affected by a shortage of nurses. Even with all the prospective students and newly license registered nurses (RN), we still see a deficit in this area. In 2022, it is projected that there will be roughly 1.05 million RN jobs that are vacant nationally. These spots cannot be filled because of the predicament that we are face with currently. Many issues such as lack of faculty, an increased average age of current RN’s, and long hours and high stress levels are impacting the need for more RN’s in the very near future. The topic of nursing shortages is nothing new; it has been in discussion for years and many organizations, facilities, government affiliates, and possible solutions have been identified. There are many challenges set forth in the act of proliferating the number of RN’s. The nursing shortage can have an enormous impact in the healthcare system. If we continue to see a decline in nurses, the healthcare system could potentially crumble. Nurses are the majority of the hospital and clinical settings and help take care of the ill patients. According to Kovner, Brewer, Fatehi, and Jun (2014), there is a poor working environment seen there are companies with an increased turnover rate. The challenges are the decreased ability to hire enough nursing staff to keep up with the demand of patients. Some of the problems are due to the fact that many of the RN’s today are reaching retirement age, the lack of faculty, and the

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