
Nutritional Status Assessment

Satisfactory Essays

Great post. I agree with the findings of your assessment. Nutritional status is the balance between a patient’s current nutritional supply and demand. I would like to include some nutritional assessments for the two patients for this discussion. Mr. H has not eaten significant calories since the operation (4 days), has trouble chewing due to poor dentition, appears depressed, has lost 8 pounds since admission, history of a 10 pound weight loss in the last month. Laboratory data include prealbumin level of 10.4g/d l( normal is 16.4-38g/dl), an albumin level of 2.9g/dl( normal is 3.5-5g/dl), and hypoactive bowel sounds, which signifies that intestinal activity has slowed down. In the critical care area, patients have special nutritional needs because the stress of their complex illness increases their metabolic rate and nutritional needs, and decrease mobilization which results in muscle atrophy. In addition, Mr. J is an elderly patient. He is at higher risk for altered nutrition due to his history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which affects his appetite & also his admitting diagnosis; …show more content…

He says that when he tries to swallow, food gets caught in his throat which can lead to high risk of aspiration, appears older than his stated age, extensive muscle wasting and poor skin turgor, oral mucosa appears dry, missing teeth, faint bowel sounds (intestinal activity has slowed down), current diet order is nothing by mouth (Sole, Klein, Moseley, 2013,

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