
Obama Dakota Pipeline Case Study

Decent Essays

Alec Benejam Sol Drescher, Ph.D ECON 2013 December 10th 2016 “Chief Obama and the Dakota Pipeline: A Case Study in Why The US Doesn’t Build more infrastructure” Alysia Finley Gordon Rule Essay #3 Recently in news outlets we’ve come to hear more about the Dakota Access Pipeline. As of December 6th, construction was halted, due to the numerous protest in the past couple of months surrounding the approval of construction. Although alternate routes are currently being studied, and construction has not taken place, Donald Trump (after the 20th of January when he takes office) can freely reverse the decision, which would seem likely because according to Financial Disclosure Forms, he once had around $500,000 invested in said (privately funded) company. The opinion piece article “Chief Obama and the Dakota Pipeline: A Case Study in Why The US Doesn’t Build more infrastructure” written by Allysia Finley, was written on September of 2016, Three months before the halt. For those who don’t know, an infrastructure is any man made thing needed for society or businesses, examples would include; roads, power plants, buildings and so forth. Originally when …show more content…

According to the Wall Street Journal Article, the ACE (Army Corps of Engineers) “bent over backwards” to contact them. Although I cannot conclude if the Natives really weren’t contacted for permission, it’s currently a game of he-said, she-said. Ms. Allysia Finely, did an amazing job at presenting the economic effects in the pro- argument for the pipe, but what she lacked was real ecological understanding of the possible negative outcomes this project could have, not just monetarily wise. Her anti-Obama, anti-democratic attack just comes off as immature, and did nothing to help her convince her

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