
Obesity And The United States Healthcare System

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Within the last half century, the obesity rate in America has increased by twenty one percent from thirteen percent to thirty four percent of adults; while the percent of the population considered overweight has remained stagnate at thirty-four percent. Unfortunately, the increase in the obese population poses a large threat to the health and well-being of United States citizens. Obesity is not only an accumulation of fat mass, but has been linked to many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The strain that each of these respective diseases contributes onto the United States healthcare system is great, but how exactly does obesity contribute to the occurrence of these three diseases? What health factors are affected by obesity and lead to the development of chronic illness? Cardiovascular disease is any disease that relates to structural compromises or an obstruction of the blood vessels. Two of the most common types of cardiovascular disease involve obstructions of the arteries or the thinning of the arteries causing an increase in blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association’s article, a 14 year study found that a body mass index of twenty three to twenty five showed an increase in coronary heart disease of fifty percent. Also men from the ages of forty to sixty five with a body mass index of twenty five to twenty nine showed an increase of seventy five percent in risk for coronary heart disease. With increased weight comes

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