
Obesity and Careful Physical Examination

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The past several decades have seen an escalating trend in the rate of childhood obesity not only in the United States where 25%-30% of children are affected, but also in many of the industrialized nations. Childhood obesity has continued to be a major issue in the public health care system. The economic cost of the medical expenses as well as the lost income resulting from the complications of obesity both in children and adults has been estimated at almost $100 billion (Barnes, 2011). Overweight children are more exposed to the danger of becoming overweight in their adulthood unless they ensure healthier eating habits and exercise. It is worth noting that the current lifestyle in which many children spend a lot of time watching …show more content…

Theories of etiology

Childhood obesity has been attributed to a combination of factor including genetic, environmental, and developmental whose diverse interaction in individuals generate the tendency of overeating characteristic of people with obesity. Regarding the genetic basis of childhood obesity, twin studies have revealed that about 50% of the risk of developing obesity is inherited. Recent studies have emphasized that the interaction between the environment and genes play a significant role in the development of childhood obesity (Kiess et al. 2001, p. 31). Obesity is though to be contributed by defects in the genes that regulate metabolic processes such energy homeostasis, insulin levels, adipogenesis, thermogenesis, and the production of the hormone leptin. Obesity can be contributed by individual defects or a combination of these factors (Richardson (CPNP.), 2010, p. 88).

Since the discovery of leptin receptors, research in obesity has gone to a higher degree with rodent models revealing that leptin as a product of adipocytes regulates food intake by feeding back the hypothalamus with the body fatness. Following the observation that leptin levels in human serum are high, it has prompted the hypothesis that insensitivity to leptin in overweight individuals progressively leads to obesity (Kiess et al. 2001, p. 31). In fact, British researchers have found that a significant number of severely obese children have a deletion of the gene

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