
Observation Of A School Age Child

Decent Essays

I begin observing Faith Sanchez a six-year-old, who is in the first grade at Emerson Elementary School on November 7, 2017 over the course of three days. The observation took place at the child’s home, where we had access to the materials needed for the different set of skills that I would be conducting during the observational period. The reason for observing Faith was to see if her Physical, Cognitive and Psychosocial domains are developing at the average range for a school age child or if she was showing signs of atypical development.
For the first day of observations I begin with observing Faiths Physical domain. The Physical domain of a school age child is the physiological changes that happen in the body, such as puberty. This includes sensory-motor and nervous system development. (Thibodeaux, 2017) The average school age child’s height is about 3 and a half feet tall and weighs between forty and fifty pounds. (Kathleen Berger, 2015, p. 242) The most prevented disease of young children is tooth decay, by the age of six the average school age child has at least one cavity. (Kathleen Berger, 2015, p. 244) Most children by the age of six can catch a ball, write and say their ABC’s in sequence and name objects. At this stage the child’s motor skills are beginning to be more refined and children are often introduced into sporting activities. A typical school age child will have coordination of large and small muscles, hand-eye coordination. Can write and draw with greater

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