
Observation On Homeless Women

Decent Essays

There is no one face, look or reason to homelessness. The women here are all different: backgrounds, marital status, age, race, sexual orientation, education and income levels. The status of “homeless” does not discriminate. Attitudes, emotional maturity, perspective on life and everything in between differs with the women of CrossRoads.
Women are complex individuals in general. Homeless women are a completely different creature. They are prideful, boundaryless and have no sense of standing on your own and not blaming others for their own situations. As if they almost seem to enjoy living out of a Rubbermaid tote and having nothing to show for their lives. The women that I interacted with were no exception. The dynamic at the shelter is interesting. All the women try to “mother” the children; someone ultimately emerges as the “leader”, and; everyone enjoys the drama that accompanies different personalities. The one I was surprised to learn was that CrossRoads is truly “just” a homeless shelter. The focus is not to rehabilitate, diagnose, offer social work service. It is simply a shelter, a place to sleep and eat a meal.
I didn’t know what to expect my first night as a volunteer. I was a bit nervous, wondering if I would see anyone that I knew. As it turns out, I did know someone staying there, her name is Patty. Patty is a woman in her mid-sixties. She has a family that lives locally and the last time I saw her, she had a job. Patty openly

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