
Odysseus Archetype Analysis

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There was a man who was willing to risk his whole life through many difficult obstacles just to return to his family and home. The man who is willing to risk his whole life just to return home, a mogul, and a hard worker is Odysseus. During this long heroic journey, Odysseus travels for a long time and faces many common archetypes including monsters and temptresses. One major archetype in this novel is the hero journey Odysseus is in because it includes all the ups and downs the main character faces. An archetype is common patterns we view in movies and books. This novel takes place during the Greek era where they idolized Xenia because they thought it was respectful to take care of their house guests. The Greeks admired Xenia because the Greek gods sometimes dressed up as paupers to visit people. Furthermore, the Greeks had many fears and theories about the world, so they believed everything revolved around the gods. Throughout the Odyssey, many of the archetypes related to Greek culture such as Hero’s journey, monsters, and temptresses. The tasks it takes to be a hero are saving, leading, and conquering. In the Odyssey, Odysseus makes sure that “no one taste the Lotus” (pg.564) in order for his men to get home. Not only was that, but Odysseus’s journey home another example of the Hero archetype. During the Odyssey, the “tale of Odysseus and his decade of wandering as he tries to return home” (from Monster Archetypes in the Odyssey) has many obstacles, hence the fighting

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