
Of Mice And Men Monologue

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English Tic Tac Toe #3 I shivered and looked at the gun, and then threw it away from myself, back up on the bank, near the pile of ashes. Eyes filled with dread, I sank to my knees and covered my face with my hands. The wind whipped back and forth but all I could do was stare at the person who once was my friend. Slim’s voice shouted. “George. Where you at George?” “ I got him Slim, right in the back of the head.” I whispered. Slim twitched my elbow. "Come on, George. Me an' you'll go in and get a drink." Slim pulled me away from Lennie, but I was reluctant to go, I didn’t want to leave him lying there. “Let’s go George,” Slim said gently. As we stumbled back to the ranch all I could think of was Lennie’s last words. Tears dripped down my face as I stumbled through the forest. “I shouldn’t …show more content…

I ran and ran till the shouts of the men died down. I swung the door of the stables with so much force the hinges all most came of. I sank to the floor and cried my eyes out, for today I had lost a best friend. I continued sobbing until the rustling and pattering of little feet could be heard. One of the puppies Lennie cared for was peeking from behind the hay. As I stared at the little guy, I remembered how excited Lennie was to care for the puppies. He even stayed in the barn with them to watch over them. I smiled as I reminded myself of the kind, caring person he was. All he wanted to do was to tend the rabbits. I still cannot believe I killed him, but Slim was right if I hadn’t done it he would have been killed by Curley, who wouldn’t have had any mercy on him. As much as I wish Lennie were alive right now, next to me, I know it's for the best. He couldn’t have gone on living like the way he was. He would live a life without ever remembering people important to him and he would have to move all the time because he couldn’t control his strength. I wouldn’t want a life like that for

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