
Of The Cadbury Committee Report On Financial Aspects Of Corporate Governance 1992

Decent Essays

3.2.2. Cadbury Committee Report on Financial aspects of Corporate Governance 1992 This report is considered as the Megna Carta of Corporate Governance. The Committee was set up in May 1991 by the financial reporting council of the London Stock Exchange and the accountancy profession to the address the financial aspect of corporate governance. There was unexpected failure of the major companies like world com. Xerox, Enron etc. Moreover there was heavy criticism by the investors media and the general public of the lack of effective board accountability in respect of these massive failures. Further, there was a huge demand by these agencies to take penal action against the directors and management and also to clarify the responsibilities. The Cadbury committee drew on these documents and wide range of submissions from interested parties in producing its draft report that was issued for public comments on 27 may 1992. The code recommendation consists of 19 points set out under the heading of (1) Board of Directors (2) Non-Executive Director (3) Executive Director (4) Reporting and Control. The main points are summarized as follows: 1. The Board of Directors The board should meet regularly, retain full and …show more content…

The sponsors of the Hample committee were the London Stock Exchange the confederation of British Industry (CBI), The Institute of Director (IOD),The Consultative committee of Accountancy Bodies (CCAB). The National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) and the Association of British insurers (ABI). The Committee submitted its final report in June 1998. The Final report of the committee containing recommendation is divided into seven chapters:- Corporate governance, Principles of corporate governance, Director’s renumeration, The role of shareholders, Accountability and Audit, Summary of conclusion and

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