
Office Space Sociological Theory

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The observation of social actions and their effects in the work place are covered throughout sociology. Specific examples can be seen in the movie, “Office Space” directed by Mike Judge. Several theories that can be observed throughout this movie are Strain Theory, Dysfunction of Bureaucracy and the use of primary groups. The first theory that we could observe is Strain Theory. Strain theory is defined as ‘how mainstream values produce deviance’. The work place, Intitech, pushes towards conformity. All workers were consistently found in their cubicles, typing the same reports the same way. The workers go through the same routine every day, so when Peter comes in after his hypnosis, he is being deviant within the workplace. Strain Theory also is …show more content…

Throughout the movie in several occasions, Peter can be seen with two individuals, Michael and Samir. This relationship most likely began as a secondary group, considering that they began working for the same company around the same time. Throughout the years of them working there, they probably began to become friends due to their shared disliking of the conformity of the company and their hatred of the nearby printer that never seemed to work correctly. As the movie continued, you could see that they were hanging out outside of work, which begins to show that they had become a primary group. Primary groups normally consist of family and friends that allows a lens to life through this group, whereas secondary groups are larger, formal and impersonal, such as coworkers. In conclusion, the movie, Office Space showed attributes of several different theories, several of which being Strain Theory, Dysfunction of Bureaucracy, and the formation of primary groups. These attributes to the movie allow individuals to be able to see several characteristics that sociology aims to study to be able to interpret different types of social groups and how they

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