
Olaudah Equiano Biography

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Olaudah Equiano, also known by the name of Gustavus Vassa which was given to him by his master on a slave ship, was born in the Eboe province of Africa in 1775-1776. Eboe was a part of the kingdom of Benin which is now present-day Nigeria. Equiano, like many others, lived in a village and was kidnapped and sold into slavery. From the chains of enslavement to the freedom in London, he believed that he and his countrymen deserved freedom and equality. Religion would have a huge impact on Equiano’s life as he converted to Christianity after having many near-death experiences on his voyages around the world. He also used religion to argue his case against slavery as he became involved in the abolitionist movement in London in the late 18th century. Later in life, Equiano would begin writing his autobiography “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself” and was published in 1789. The book would relive Equiano’s life in Eboe, he and his sister’s capture and enslavement, the Middle Passage and the horrors of slavery, his travels, and work as an abolitionist.

Olaudah Equiano begins his autobiography by claiming that he is neither a saint, hero, or tyrant, but instead is favored by Heaven, which he gives credit for the blessings he has received in his life. Equiano also hopes that his autobiography will help his enslaved countrymen and other peoples of African descent. His story begins in Eboe, present-day Nigeria.

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