
Olaudah Equiano

Decent Essays

Equiano was abducted from Essaka at the age of eleven along with his sister who he was separated from shortly afterwards. After being kidnapped Equiano began his journey across continents and oceans meeting new people, seeing new locations and gaining new skills throughout his life which he applied to gain his freedom. The skills that he learned allowed him to rise both socially and economically in European society. After having traveled the world and gaining his freedom Equiano then wrote an autobiography called The Interesting Narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano helping the abolitionist movement he was part of. One of the factors which helped him rise was his ability to adapt, learn and the want to improve himself to become more European. …show more content…

Early on in his autobiography, he witnesses a service in the church, “I asked all I could about it…and soon got into an endless field of inquires” (39), demonstrating his natural thirst to learn as much as he could about everything new he experienced. This thirst for knowledge helped Equiano to adapt to the European lifestyle much quicker, allowing him to feel less scared and more at ease, “However my surprise began to diminish as my knowledge increased; and I ceased to feel those apprehensions and alarms” (41). After being able to adapt to the European lifestyle, Equiano formed a strong desire to, “to resemble them; to imbibe their spirit and imitate their manners” (49), this desire helped him rise socially because the more European he become the more he would be accepted in regards to other slaves. When Equiano once again returns to England, he sees it as a, “opportunity of improving myself which I gladly embraced” (49), under the guidance of Miss Guerin’s he attends school where he’s able to learn to read and write (49). Also Equiano was fortunate enough to learn writing and arithmetic from the Captain’s clerk aboard the Aetna while on his naval voyage (63). His ability to adapt to the European society and his natural ability to learn helped Equiano greatly in raising himself in the social structure of society. He had started of a slave who could not …show more content…

While serving Pascal, Equiano was able to learn many important skills related to seafaring due to his experience in multiple naval battles (54). Also, while he was under the service of Pascal he was able to meet Danial Queen who was able to teach Equiano how to, “shave and dress hair a little” (63) which helped him many years later to secure a job with Dr.Irving (134). Soon after he was cheated out of his freedom and was forced to the West Indies, where he was then sold to Robert King (70). Robert seeing that Equiano was a good man provided Equiano the opportunity to take the, “place of a clerk, in receiving and delivering goods” (75), allowing Equiano to increase his knowledge of commerce. The skills that Equiano learned with his masters helped Equiano greatly afterwards to improve his economic condition along with his value as a

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