
Old Age Crisis

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Old age crisis

The United States has the highest fertility rates in developed countries and is one of the fastest population growths. According to statistics, the total fertility rate as at 2.1,2010, American women in the total population had reached 308 million, living in the world's third largest country in population status. As early as the 1940s, the United States began to enter the aging society; an aging population is now over 65 years that is 17.4% of the total population (McNicoll, 67). As the populaces grow older, an escalating share of the working force will be past the age 60 years. Older human resources have often been measured less productive than the younger population, raising the …show more content…

Government effort to support old age population has established a sound social pension system . The United States and other Western countries, the difference lies in the implementation of the type of insurance funded social security system , the " beneficiaries also pay people," to enjoy the right to social security , we must first pay . In 1935 , the U.S. Congress passed the old-age insurance as the main content of the "Social Security Act ." "Social Security Act " after the implementation , and after several revisions and improvement , has formed a relatively complete system of old-age security , including pension insurance system, medical insurance and assistance system , etc., when the United States serving the elderly a monthly deduction from his salary take a certain amount of pensions, where the unit again supporting a certain percentage , the states are not the same as the provisions for the elderly to build a social safety net (Peter 46) .

The government has also established a sound network services for the elderly. U.S. Government Department of Health and Human Services Office located on aging and nine regional offices in the state Department of Public Service is responsible for the establishment of an aging work in the state, and the following settings aging agency on aging in the community set up service centers, forming a nationwide aging service network. The aging mechanism is mainly responsible

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