
Old Spice Ad Analysis

Decent Essays

television advertisement companies, main intention is to captivate the audience in other to purchase their product that they are portraying. In this essay, I will be analyzing these two ads, “Whale” (Old Spice) and “Susan Glenn” (Axe). These ads are formulated to get their products noticed, along with sparking the interest of the other goods they may offer. Countless methods are used to convince the audience that’s being targeted to buy the product. Therefore, these ads are similar in its ability to gain the attention of their audiences by appealing to pathos. Through this essay I will analyze the rhetorical effects that help bring these commercials to life. In the Old Spice …show more content…

The commercial also tries to appeal to middle-class people as the spray is inexpensive and smells good. While, relating to the middle- class individuals it also seems to portray of regular-looking people. This therefore, makes the commercial look natural and realistic to the viewer, while attracting their attention. The framing of the image directs your attention to “Susan Glenn”, as if she was the only character in the commercial. The lighting around it predict her as if she was an angel, and no one was better than her. For example, in the ad she is seen floating across the street with firework sparks around her, like a light to a shadow. You can tell the love that he had for her, especially when he says, “not a girl, but the girl”. The bathroom scene at the end with the narrator, displays a feeling of sadness around it, as well him also being alone. The saddening feeling at the end of the commercial where the narrator is in his bathroom, is an indirect way of appealing to pathos in this commercial. As an audience, you feel sorry for him, missing his chance with “Susan Glenn”. Therefore, of course you don’t want the same thing to happen to you and miss the girl of your dream because you don’t smell good, from not

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