
Explain The Five Stages Of Grief

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Significant life events (SLE) can be any episode that may be positive or negative, impacting on an individual life, or reflecting as good and bad practice. For example, it may include underage pregnancy, coping with a staffing crisis, complaints or compliments received from workplace, breaches of confidentiality, a sudden unexpected death or hospitalisation. (, 2014) example of SLE:
Childhood; such as loss of parent, going to Boarding School, divorce of parent, bullying etc.
Adolescence; sexual experience, peer pressure, debt, education, new born baby etc.
Adulthood; engagement, loss of family, loss of job, divorce, mortgage etc.
Old age; illness, loss of independent, divorce, bereavement, pension etc.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, (2014), a Swiss-born American psychiatrist, introduced concept of providing psychological counselling to the dying. In her first book, On Death and Dying (published in 1969), she write about the “five stages of grief”, they are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. based on her studies of the feelings of patients facing terminal illness, and have being generalised to other types of negative life changes and losses, such as divorce, loss of property or job, and offered strategies for treating patients and their families as they negotiate these stages.

1.1 Explain the positive and negative events and transitions that may impact on their lives physically, socially, psychologically and how these will relate to

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