
Oncology Nurses

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1. The Healthcare workers at the Infusion center are only oncology nurses. The oncology nurses draw blood, administer chemotherapy, and omit blood and platelet transfusions to the patients. 2. The types of services offered at the infusion center is the act of transfusing different types of medications and blood or platelets. 3. The oncology nurses determined diagnoses by running blood tests, checking vital signs, and getting further advises on what to do by oncology doctors. 4. The oncology nurses would give benadryl or tylenol to help the patients feel more less nauseous and become comfortable while transfusing different types of medications. 5. A new knowledge I learned, while at the infusion center is that if a port line will not …show more content…

The week was good because I got to really understand and see thing done up close. 10. • Immunoglobulin is a type of medication used for the immune system as a booster for patients, who have nervous system issues. • A port is like an IV, but it is a semi-permanent implantation under the skin, usually used for cancer patients to receive chemotherapy easier. • A unit of blood takes about two hours to infuse. • The nurses take the weight of the patients before treatment because the amount/ dosage given is based off their weight. • A blood transfusion is the act of giving red blood cells to a patient through an IV. • Some reasons someone would need a blood transfusion are through chemotherapy, low blood counts, kidney disease, blood cancer patients, and excesses bleeding. • Chemotherapy can either take 30 minutes or all day, it depends on the amount prescribed by the doctors. • There are no special diets for chemo patients; however, doctors advise patients to avoid greasy and spicy food and to always wash their fruits before eating them. • Patients have to sign consent forms and get a type and cross match done. • Patients have to type and cross match every 72 hours, every time they have a blood

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