
“One Friday Morning” by Langston Hughes

Decent Essays

“One Friday Morning” by Langston Hughes
Racism and discrimination in general are things that are sadly practically inevitable. It is very unlikely that you ever will be able to find a society with no discrimination at all. Langston Hughes, who is an African-American writer, shows this in his short story “One Friday Morning”. Langston Hughes sheds light upon things like: The American Dream, equality and The Declaration of Independence. The story is written in the 1950’s which is at the same time The Civil Rights Movement just had been founded. Nancy Lee, the main character, is ‘proud of being American’. She undergoes a big development throughout the story. She gets introduced to discrimination and the fact that discriminate behavior and …show more content…

It then comes like a shock to them when they find out that the committee has canceled Nancy’s scholarship, just because of the sole reason that she is colored differently: “She could not speak”. Nancy here discovers the hard reality, that there are not just nice and good people in the North either.
Nancy is very proud of being colored; she has even brought her racial identity into her own artwork: “She could see the old woman in her picture (really her grandmother in the south) lifting her head to the bright stars on the flag in the distance” (p. 6 ll. 14-16). ‘Bright stars’ is a symbol for all the good things in America and what America is known for like: liberty, equality, happiness and opportunity. Nancy’s painting shows three main things: “the flag, the spring, and the woman formed a kind of triangle holding a dream Nancy Lee wanted to express” (p. 4 ll. 6-8). The US-flag is a symbol of Liberty and equality, Nancy’s grandmother symbolizes an oppressed minority and the spring symbolizes a new beginning. Together I get the three to be a dream where the colored are equally treated and have the same rights and chances as anybody else.
She planned to mention her pride of her race in her speech which got canceled: “I accept this reward with gratitude and pride, not for myself alone, but for my race that believes in American opportunity and American fairness - and bright stars in our flag” (p. 7 ll. 11-13). She here mentions her own race; the African-Americans, and

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