
Online Atting : The Pros And Cons Of Online Dating

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Online Dating 1. Introduction a. General information We live in a time where technology is changing the way we live, learn, and work. With these advancements, technology made it possible to online date. Before, the traditional way people met someone was at school, work, or at a bar and had to ask them physically if they wanted to go on a date. Now, there are websites promoted towards online dating such as tinder, plenty of fish,, and more. People can meet strangers online from their area or surrounding areas, and get to know them, and if they like them they can meet in person to go on a date. It seems convenient, and easy, but just like anything else that seems too good to be true, it comes with its downsides. b. Why someone would want to try online dating They have not met anyone in their area. It is convenient for them if they are too busy to go out and meet people. They are too shy or have insecurities to approach someone in person. They just want someone to talk too. c. Thesis Online dating is something that a lot of people are giving a try, and while they think they will meet their match, there is negative effects when it comes to safety, communication, access, and trust. 2. Body paragraphs a. Safety If you meet in person, you can get robbed. Even if you meet in a public place the first time, the second time that you meet will probably be your house or theirs, and the can rob or hurt you then. They are just waiting for the right time. People can take your pictures from your profile, and make a profile using your identity. People can also use fake pictures themselves, and when you meet them in person, they can be someone completely different. There are a lot of stalkers and sexual predators online. "There have been several instances where sexual predators' profiles were left on an online dating company's website even after the company was informed of their member's criminal record" (online dating). Pedophiles on the websites such as Plenty of Fish search specifically for women with children. "The dating site Plenty of Fish has been slammed for allowing men to tick a box

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