
Online Dating - Breanna Social Media

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Online Dating - Breanna Social Media has become the new thing to be used for online dating. In this day and time, it is not uncommon to meet someone over the internet through various sites that have been created for the public to do just that, COMMUNICATE! Aside from meeting people on your normal sites like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, there are now special sites that have been around for some time now that are geared solely towards online dating. These sites have even went as far as breaking up the different types of dating sites by religion, ethnicity, style, and so much more. Online dating is no longer seen as a last result in today’s society with social media (James, 2015). It is because of things like online …show more content…

With social media being a great way for people to mingle and getting to know one another, it is safe to assume that there are also some dangers with online dating. Some online dating relationships can lead to positivity and long shared relationships, but some can also lead to bad interactions with strangers on social sites and a long season of “Catfish.” Similar to the majority of my group, anything that is tied to people and social sites will have its perks and its downfalls, but you just have to be careful about the people that you are choosing to engage with. On any social site that we choose to encounter, we are opening a door for positive beginnings, but everyone’s intentions are not the same. Cyberbullying- Nicholas The federal website defines cyberbullying as: Bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. This is a modern form of bullying, which is using new technologies to continue bullying, even when the victim is away

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