
Online Dating Papers

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Due to everyone having fast paced and busy lifestyles I believe that online dating is a great convenience in today's society. Some of the questions persons may have on online dating are is online dating safe? Doesn't everyone just lie online? How much should I reveal? Does online dating really work? The reality of the situation is everyone's experience will be different in some way but its crucial you avoid having contact with suspicious looking profiles. If you do make a connection its important that you quickly verify that the person is who they say they are, which can be done by a video chat and will help you feel more secure. Its important to remember that the same manners apply to both traditional and online dating. The manners that would apply to online dating are: Respecting a person's privacy by not sharing their …show more content…

(2011) stated many couples make a concerted effort to plan their weddings as expressions of their personal interests. Sharing the costs- Post et al. (2011) stated wedding expenses are no longer the responsibility of the bride's parents, as it is more frequently shared by the couple or sometimes the groom's parents. Weddings and high tech- Couples now have the ability to create their own wedding websites, but thank you notes should still be handwritten (Post et al.,2011). Green weddings- They seek to reduce the risk of negative impact on the environment (Post et al., 2011). Encore and family weddings- This means the bride, groom, or both has been married previously (Post et al., 2011). Some couples have adopted the Greek orthodox crowning ceremony as a symbol of their unity, while other couples have adopted the Chinese tea ceremony during which the couple offers cups of tea to each other's families (Post et al., 2011). As soon as the engagement is announced friends and family will immediately begin to plan parties. These pre-wedding parties and celebrations

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