
Online Dating Research Paper

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In the past ten years people have been meeting each other over the internet, and meeting someone in real life has gotten harder to come across. People have evolved as technology has started to take a change on one’s life. Meeting a potential suitor in person has been difficult since most people join dating websites and find other sources of looking someone. Internet dating has been one of the most effective and modern ways for people to meet and connect with strangers, but there are also many risks into the online dating world. When websites came around such as Myspace or OkCupid millions of people decided to join the website. As several people are unconfident with ones looks and pretend to be someone else that they are not. Today we know this act of people pretending and taking pictures form people other than themselves as “catfishing”. Catfishing has caught many people’s attention. It has became very popular that MTV even made a television show on how some people got tricked into believing the person was real. Some people make stories that are so believable that a person is convinced or a person that one doesn’t like wants to play a trick on them since it’s behind a web screen. …show more content…

Not every person uses others photos since they are actually looking for someone to date. Many professionals don’t have time to go out with there schedules’ being busy with work and other priorities myself included. Meeting someone in real life can be a lot more frantic and building the courage to meet someone. One maybe unsure of a persons’ relationship status so they tend to not ask someone out on a date. A person you meet in real life may have similar friends as you and that can make it easier to build a relationship and find interests much

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