
Online Recruitment Methods And Traditional Staffing Methods

Better Essays

Strategic staffing is the key element to recognize and deal all concerns related to staffing in several departments. Moreover, staffing is the process of selecting, attracting, and retaining the best talents to reach the organizations goals. Nowadays, some organizations have a difficult time to recruit the right candidates. Furthermore, organizations use two staffing methods to recruit candidates. Technology has brought incredible changes in recruiting process. Also, web technology still revolutionizes recruiting and more than 100 000 employers in the world recruit on the internet and not using the traditional method. The internet staffing is a strategy that gives the opportunity to get tested anywhere in the world while traditional recruitment process is to recruit via newspapers, employment offices, etc.... In my paper, I will demonstrate how web staffing methods differ from traditional staffing methods; therefore, I will discuss the advantages and challenges of internet staffing methods and traditional staffing methods. In addition, internet staffing and traditional staffing methods vary in terms of time, cost, quality and retention.


The research aims to gather information about recruiting methods through Internet or traditional means. Therefore, I found interesting articles and books that can provide excellent information about how to recruit either through Internet or traditionally. Besides, this, I will also examine materials that provide which methods

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