
Ontology contains a set of concepts and relationship between concepts, and can be applied into

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Ontology contains a set of concepts and relationship between concepts, and can be applied into information retrieval to deal with user queries.
Challenges in interpreting a query from different ontologies:
• It is not possible to determine in advance which ontologies will be relevant to a particular query.
• User queried keyword has to be translated into ontology-centric terminologies.
• Answer to a query may require the integration of information from multiple ontologies.

Our approach is to keep the ontologies separate. We assume they use the same description logic, even though not essentially the same vocabulary (i.e. they can use different names for the same concept and/or the same names for different concepts). The aim is to …show more content…

The natural language query is sent to NL Processing engine where it is processed and is converted to DL query. Stop words are stripped off the queries. NL-DL query convertor comprise of several natural language processing tools such as the Stanford Parser for creating the parse tree while WordNet can be utilized to account for syntactic variability by finding synonymous words. The query processor’s task is providing the user with the best answer to the question from the ontology. High level architecture of the model is shown in figure 1.

Figure 1: High level architecture of MOSS-IR

Query processor system parses the query and interprets the meaning of the end-user’s query terms. This enables the construction of a meaningful query. Before any actual query re-formulation, the mapping between the vocabulary of the ontologies and the query is required. The mapping is indispensable for retrieval improvement using ontology based query approaches. The first step of the processor is to identify the set of ontologies likely to provide the information requested by the user. Hence it searches for near syntactic matches within the ontology indexes, using lexically related words obtained from WordNet [27] and from the ontologies, used as background knowledge sources. It identifies the subject, predicate and object, which is used to generate the DL query and runs it against the ontology to attempt to

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