
Opec Organization Of The Petroleum Exporting Countries Essay

Decent Essays

Josh Howard & Stewart Devaney
Principles of Economics
OPEC The OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) created in 1960 is a permanent intergovernmental Organization. Was formed at the conference held in Baghdad. The five founders Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Later down the road they were joined by nine other countries. Qatar, Indonesia, Libya, United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Nigeria, Ecuador, Angola, and Gabon. They joined between the years 1961-1975. There were some countries that had some issues being in the OPEC. Indonesia suspended its bid in January of 09’ , then reactivate it in 2016 only to suspend it again a few months later. Ecuador also suspended it 's bid in December of 92’ only to reactivate it in 2007. Gabon terminated their bid in January of 95’ but decided to rejoin in the summer of 2016. OPEC started its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland for the first five years only to move to Vienna, Austria, in September of 65’. The whole reason for the OPEC’S forming was to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among the Members countries of involvement. It was used to secure fair and stable prices for the petroleum producers. Also the economic of the regular supply of petroleum to the consuming nations. With the fair return of capital going back to those investing nations in the industry.
In 1960 the five founders of OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,

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