
Operations Management - Process Redesign

Best Essays

Claims Outlay Recovery for XXXXXXXXXXXXX Ltd – An analysis of a recently undertaken process redesign and commentary on its effectiveness

Submission Date : 15th April 2013
Word Count: 3654 (Excl. Title page, contents, Exec Summary, Figures, references, bibliography)

1) Executive Summary 2
2) Introduction 3
b) Scope Of The Review 4
c) Current Cash Collection Process 6
d) Objectives 7
3) Business Process Review 7
1) Step 1 : Schedule planning and programme development 9
2) Step 2 : Review the current process 10
3) Step 3 : Speak to job holders about the current process 11
4) Step 4 : Draft process maps based on the current process and obtain job holder feedback 12
5) Step 5 : …show more content…

Given this, the management team made the decision to undertake a review of the cash recovery process itself with a view to developing a new strategy which would speed up cash collections.

The process review was commenced by management in September 2012. By January 2013 however it became clear to the management team that although they had an idea of what they wanted to achieve, and the issues they believed were preventing this, they were not equipped to complete the process review themselves. At this time I was approached by them and retained as a consultant with a view to not only completing a full process review and implementation, but also to ensure that the process put in place was scalable for the increasing business they were expecting to take on over the coming 24 months.

It was clear from my analysis of the initial XXXXXXXXXXXXX process design (what little of it their was) that little thought or analysis was carried out into the market generally or what they were looking to achieve or felt would be reasonable before they designed the initial process. The process itself was decided on by a few members of the senior management team in isolation

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