
Opioids : A Wicked Addiction

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A Wicked Addiction Opioids, otherwise known as prescription pain medication, are used to treat acute and chronic pain. They are the most powerful pain relievers known. When taken as directed they can be safe and effective at managing pain, however, opioids can be highly addictive. Ease of access helps people get pain medications through their physician or by having friends and family get the medication for them. With their ease of access and being highly addictive the use and misuse of opioids have become a growing epidemic. Patients should be well educated on the affects opioid use can have. More importantly instead of the use of opioids, physicians should look into alternative solutions for pain management. While pain medication is helpful with chronic pain, it is also highly addictive, doctors should be more stringent to whom and how often they prescribe pain medication. By attaching to opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord, and other areas of the body they reduce the sending of pain messages to the brain and reduce feelings of pain. The part of the brain that controls emotions are also changed and cause a person to feel relaxed and extremely happy, a euphoric state of being. This is when a person starts to crave the drug, the brain is saying it wants more. Natural endorphins are produced by a healthy brain on its own. Powerful cravings and physical dependence are due to the brain no longer producing the natural kind of endorphins because after

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