
Opioids For Managing Chronic Pain

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Until October 2014, it was illegal to dispose of opioids except to flush them down the toilet or transport them to a law enforcement agency. The DEA now allows disposal of unused or expired controlled substances at pharmacies and hospitals with special containers for safely storing the drugs. You can find these locations at
Also, the DEA sponsors the National Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative. In 2014, some 780,000 pounds of controlled medications were collected under this program (
I liked the way opioids made me feel when I was taking for chronic pain, but became addicted. Can I still use them if I don’t overdo it?
This is a slippery slope, with a much greater likelihood of falling then staying upright. Slowly, but surely, you are far more likely to again use more than you had planned, once again finding you can’t control the amount you use. They are now many alternatives to opioids for managing chronic pain. See a pain specialist to review options. Do your best not to restart narcotics.
My doctor told me I needed to stop smoking cigarettes. Why is that if cigarettes are legal?
Cigarette smoking is an enormous health problem. Nicotine is highly psychologically addictive. For recovery from opioid addiction, it is important to be free from all addictive substances, whether they are legal or illegal. And yes, I include marijuana and nicotine. I emphasize this concept in treatment, and many healthcare providers share

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