
Oppression In The Holocaust And The Rwandan Genocide

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Throughout history, there are different examples of how races were being oppressed, while the higher power does not intervene, and would almost act as a bystander, except that they have the power to stop it, and the point is that the higher power, should be the one to advocate on behalf of the oppressed. Some examples would be the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide, in which the higher power, or the government, would not interfere with the injustices really when they should have since a whole race could have been killed off. I do however, understand that some believe that the bystander, or the others that are standing by as this happens, should be the ones to stop it. Although this may be true, the others, for example civilians who are standing by, do not have as much power as let us say, governments who have the resources and the power to make a change to other countries in need. The Rwandan genocide is one example where the government is not there intervening, which lets the oppressors continue their mass genocide, and lets those who had power look like that bad guys as well. “The failure of the United Nations and the U.S. to act during the genocide still leaves a deep mark on history ”( Remedi ). Since the genocide was so gruesome the government officials who had left the genocide resolve on their own, are considered people who left a dark mark on history, the same people who wanted the “ intention of ushering in a new era of justice and world peace ” ( Remedi ), are

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