
Orchestra Conformity

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In a typical symphony Orchestra, there are four groups of related musical instruments called the woodwinds, brass, percussion, and strings (Got this info Each of those groups are lead-or controlled- by a conductor so they would all perform their notes with an unbreakable synchronization . Within this symphony, there will be one instrumentalist who gets to break out of this group and play a solo. Only to fall back in unison with the rest of his band mates. The individuals in the audience listening to the music will either be effected in a negative or positive way. In an Orchestra there is a centralized control (the conductor), conformity (the band members following the conductor) and uniformity (all of the band members playing one …show more content…

We see conformity in fast food nations with the way fast food restaurants are formatted. I say this because most fast food restaurants have fast food restaurants instead of just a diner because it’s more convenient for the customer and there’s easier access to junk food. We see how this affects individuals in society when in the book it said “Twenty years ago, teenage boys in the United States drank twice as much milk as soda; now they drink twice as much soda as milk.” Conformity and how it affects an individual is also demonstrated in the article, Why we Don’t Complain (WDC) written by William F. Buckley Jr., the article tells of a man who doesn’t complain-even though he wants to-because everyone else didn’t. This affects him as an individual in society because when he finally did complain he had gotten looked down upon; “ “Conductor”, I began with a considerable edge to my voice...instantly the doleful eyes of my seatmate fix me with a resentful stare”. This made him a bit more reluctant to un-conform from the “social norm” of not complaining in future events. In Working at Wendy’s (WW) written by Joey Franklin, conformity is shown when one of the characters, Oren, has to conform to selling drugs because “he believes he can do nothing else” which has affected him as an

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