
Organizational Assessment Models For Enterprise Transformation

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Organizational assessments are appropriate tools to assist the consultant with providing an organization with support in realizing their maximum potential. The requirement for this assignment is to read the article “Organizational Assessment Models for Enterprise Transformation” and select the appropriate model for conducting a complete assessment of an organization. First, consider the consultant 's ability to make an accurate assessment. Given a problem of a purely technical nature, the consultant can use technical expertise to isolate the problem and develop a solution. But problems that are purely technical are rare. Most problems have a human element in them, and if the prevailing organizational climate is fear, insecurity, or mistrust, people may withhold or distort essential information on the human part of the problem. Without valid data, accurate assessment becomes impossible. Action programs based on faulty discovery have little chance for success. Second, consider the commitment of people to take the recommended actions. Studies done by outside experts seldom carry the kind of personal ownership and commitment needed to deal with difficult management issues Block, P. (2006). The following discussion will be presented: the premise of an assessment model selection, how and when it was developed will be reviewed. Details of how this model was develop and emerging trends of the assessment is introduced. The model foundation and benefits is also explained.

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