
Organizational Studies and Human Resource Management and Question

Decent Essays

Kim lives and works in a small town, even though she prefers life in a bigger city. She is quite dissatisfied with her current job and is thinking of leaving the organization. She is worried, however, about her ability to find other employment that pays as well as her current job. Additionally, she is concerned about finding another organization that offers medical benefits. Based on this information, Kim is experiencing _____. Question 1 options: | a) | Job satisfaction | | b) | Withdrawal cognitions | | c) | Organizational commitment | | d) | Job involvement | | e) | Met expectations | Question 2 (1 point) People from low-context cultures prefer _____. Question 2 options: | a) | Slow and ritualistic negotiations | | b) …show more content…

Question 10 options: | a) | Intention | | b) | Attitude toward the behavior | | c) | Subjective norm | | d) | Perceived behavioral control | | e) | Predictor | Devil's advocacy and the dialectic method are two ways of _____. Question 11 options: | a) | Expanding one's power base | | b) | Reducing dysfunctional conflict | | c) | Forming strategic alliances | | d) | Reducing political behavior | | e) | Stimulating functional conflict | Question 12 (1 point) Personality testing as a tool for making decisions about hiring, training, and promotion is _____. Question 12 options: | a) | Rare | | b) | Commonplace | | c) | Empirically justified | | d) | Exceptionally effective | | e) | Unusual in Canada | Question 13 (1 point) Path-goal theory is based on _____. Question 13 options: | a) | Need theory | | b) | Goal-setting theory | | c) | Social learning theory | | d) | Expectancy theory | | e) | Equity theory | Question 14 (1 point) _____ is based on a positive set of assumptions about human nature. Question 14 options: | a) | Theory Q | | b) | Theory W | | c) | Theory X | | d) | Theory Y | | e) | Theory Z | Question 15 (1 point) Management by objectives is a management system that incorporates _____. Question 15 options: | a) | Hedonism | | b) | Equity theory | | c) | Expectancy theory | | d) | Cognitive dissonance theory | | e) | Goal setting | Question 16 (1 point)

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