
Osteomyelitis: Bone Infection

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Opening: Osteomyelitis is a rare but serious infection of the bone. Bone infection can be acute or chronic. If they’re not a properly treatment, a certain bone can be damaged permanently. It is caused by bacteria or fungi invading a bone. Bones can become infected by many ways: Infection can be located in one part of the body or can spread through the bloodstream into the bone, in some cases, the reason is an open fracture or surgery may expose the bone to infection. In children, the most popular place where bone infections occur is in the long bones of the arms and legs. On the other hand, Infection’s appearance is in the hips, spine, and feet. Body: Causes Staphylococcus aureus bacteria which is the most common factor causing bone infection. Skin is likely …show more content…

The best way to prevent osteomyelitis you should remember is to keep the infection area total clean. If you have a wound, especially a deep wound, wash it completely as soon as possible. Washing directly any open wound under running water for five minutes, then bandage it in sterile bandages. With chronic osteomyelitis, the first aid is let your doctor knows about your medical history so that your condition can be under control. On condition that you have diabetes, have a close concentration on your feet and the first sign of infection is an important thing you should contact your doctor immediately. Closing: You should treat osteomyelitis soon. In cases of acute osteomyelitis, early treatment prevents the condition from becoming a chronic problem .Besides repeated infections can cause the pain and inconvenience for your life, therefore getting osteomyelitis under control early is really essential for recovery. Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or

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