
Othello - shakespeare and sax's film adaptation

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Texts reflect their contexts. Is this true of Shakespeare’s Othello and Sax’s film Othello? (700-800 words). Texts reflect their contexts and this is evident in both William Shakespeare’s Othello and Geoffrey Sax’s film Othello. This reflection is established through the two ideas of racism and the inequality between genders. The context of a text plays an essential role as it is the way in which the composers convey their message and this is done effectively as both composers are conveying an important message about racism and gender inequality. Racism is a theme that is prominently evident throughout Shakespeare's Othello. Through this theme, there are several perceptions of an individual's race which are exhibited to establish the …show more content…

This perception of women has resulted in the inequality between the genders as men refuse to give any sort of power to woman in fear of being deceived. The tone exhibited by Iago emphasises the negative connotation and degrading of women as perceived by Iago. Another example of gender inequality is Iago’s derogatory perception of women. He states, ‘They are lazy around the house except that they are active in their bed’. The quote suggests that women are like prostitutes. The derogative comparison of all women to prostitutes supports the discriminations based on sex. Likewise, the film adaptation also explores the ideas of discrimination based on gender. In recent years society has improved on equalising the position of men and women, however, it is still evident that inequalities do exist. Throughout the film, no woman is placed in an occupational level that is high valued and respected. All the members of the police force and justice system are male. This supports the idea that even through advancements; society is negligent in giving women too much power. The traditional view of men dominating the relationship can also be extracted from the film as Othello is the clear dominator against Dessie. Dessie comments to Othello questioning, “Isn’t it always like that? Women listing to men without talking.” The quote expresses the extent of the perception of women as their position in society is insignificant compared to men. To emit this message, the use of high and

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