
Outline For Birth Control Essay

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Birth control Wait, you can prevent pregnancy? Teenage girls seem to ask themselves this question more often than needed to. There is now medicine to prevent being pregnant, starting from a pill down to an implant. You choose the one you're most comfortable with using. Birth control should be available for teens who are sexually active with or without parent consent. (webmd 1) Birth control for teens, is the subject of more dispute than it is for adults.(overview pg.3) But with typical use, hormonal birth control is about 90% effective.(webmd pg.1) Many adults see providing contraceptives of birth control information to teens as encouraging sexual behavior at a very young age.(overview pg.3) If birth control is used correctly it averts pregnancy over 99% of the time.(webmd pg.1) Teens should be using birth control if not being safe during sexual activities. You have lots of choices so find one you're comfortable with. Since birth control prevents pregnancy you should be able to choose whether not if you want to bring someone into this life. …show more content…

plays an important role in providing woman with an affordable birth control.(overview pg.2) We depend on our insurance to pay for our health necessities. As a result unplanned pregnancy cost the american public roughly $9 billion each year.(pg.9 should teens have access to BC) Although many forms of birth control are available, such as condoms which are easily to attain. Statistics show that many teens who are sexually active do not use contraceptives of any kind.(pg.9 should teens have access to BC) Among these are the incidence of miscarriages, and abortions.(pg.8 should teens have access to BC) Preventing pregnancy is affordable, but is also a

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