
Overcoming Obstacles

Decent Essays

Have you ever fought so hard throughout an obstacle you thought maybe you had made the wrong choices, or weren't good enough only to find out in the end the importance of overcoming that obstacle helped you in more ways than ever before? Overcoming obstacles in life is a vital part of our society and always has been, the challenges we faced in the past show the progress of today. As individuals we each face our own obstacles which change and grow us into valued citizens in our society. All the obstacles we have gone through has affected our world, the challenges we face today we must overcome in order to keep on progressing. Overall the importance of overcoming obstacles is a critical part in our lives, today as well as the past in order …show more content…

Many people who we classify as greats, saints or leaders have had to go through bumps to get that reputation that we know of now. Thomas Edison created the lightbulb, the struggles this man went through in order to make this advancement in our society were extreme. These obstacles were needed because it was very important that he put his knowledge into being able to create the lightbulb, if he would have given up when the first issue popped up, our society wouldn't be where it is today. In the past voting has also been an issue, from women not being able to vote to any person with african american decent not being able to vote. These people had to overcome all obstacles in order to have the ability to vote, the importance of this is the fact that not everyone has the ability to have their voice. Problems with equality have also been a form of an obstacle in many people's lives, getting through these obstacles has been a quick simple fix but a life long struggle that they have had to deal with and overcoming these are extremely important for many people to provide better equality of future generations. Overall the importance of overcoming obstacles in the past has made our society a exceptional place that will continue to

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