
Overcoming Obstacles Of Lean Operations

Decent Essays

Overcoming Obstacles to Lean Implementation The implementation of lean operations is one the most popular ways to improve efficiency and productivity in operations. This strategy has afforded many businesses the opportunities to streamline processes that resulted in improved systems and efficiency. However, many businesses face obstacles with implementing lean practices for various reasons such as unclear directions, employees that are resistant to change, and poor planning. Businesses that encounter issues with lean implementation must identify performance metrics to improve operational strategies. This paper will examine the obstacles businesses experience with lean implementation. Overcoming Obstacles to Lean Implementation The changing demands in product delivery have forced businesses to review internal processes to meet customer demands for quality and quicker services. According Čiarnienė and Vienažindienė, (2013), over the last five years businesses faced increasing amounts of pressure from consumers and competitors to improve services without affecting product or service qualities, and increasing cost. In today’s business market customers have higher expectations from business providing products and services, and businesses can meet these expectations by increasing a product’s quality, reducing delivery time and minimizing products or a combination of the three (Čiarnienė and Vienažindienė, 2013). This issue has forced many industries to implement new

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