
P1 Unit 4

Good Essays

Complete Name: Unit 4 Student Name: Grooms, Carrie

1. Read `Spotlight on Management` on pages 133-149 and the practice lesson `The Real World` on page 152. Please discuss the following questions in detail. Your response to each question should consist of: a minimum word count of 250 words and at least three (3) scholarly sources (1 resource can be the textbook):

2. What changed with David between the two parts of the `Spotlight on Management` case?

Student Answer: The things that changed in the two parts with David were …show more content…

She had went into the restroom and I went and knocked on the door after she went inside. When she came out, she yelled at me for banging on the door and that she had just went inside. I let her have her say and went to the bathroom and I told other employees what had happened. They had taken her side because she had been an employee longer. Eventually she spread rumors and gossiped about me. I told on her to a supervisor and we were called into the office. I could have just slowed her down when she was angry and said that I was sorry for the misunderstanding. I could have mediated the conflict in the beginning. This would have resolved the conflict that involved me. I also should have expected the unexpected from the other person. I could have anticipated problems in the beginning by knocking when I knew that someone was already in the bathroom. Eventually she would have come out of the bathroom. I should have remained calm and in control no matter what was going on or how long that I had to wait. (Evenson, 2012). People need to have the desire to help others. Being is a persons self identity of themselves. Doing is how a person shows themselves to the world. These values make it possible for people to resolve conflict with each other or the desire to change. (Osteen, 2011). referenceEvenson, R. (2012). Customer service management training 101: quick and easy techniques that get great results. New York: AMACOM.Osteen, P. J. (2011). MOTIVATIONS, VALUES, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION: STUDENTS' INTEGRATION OF PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL IDENTITIES. Journal Of Social Work Education, 47(3),

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