
Paleo Diet Essay

Decent Essays

The Paleo Diet The Paleo Diet is eating anything except processed food and grain or any base grain products. A big saying is “If the cavemen did not eat it, neither should you.” Meat, eggs, and fish are all encouraged in this diet. This is a low carbohydrate diet. This diet is also known as the Caveman diet because of the foods that are allowed to be eaten in this diet. Having to constantly check your calories will not be a problem. The diet appeals to nature. Walter Voegtlin a gastroenterologist was the first to introduce the Paleo diet through a book that was published in 1975. In 1985 it was advanced by Stanley Boyd Eaton and Melvin Konner. In 2002 a book called “The Paleo Diet” by Loren Cordain popularized the diet. Dr. …show more content…

Approximately 300,000 people die each year because of obesity. Being overweight could cause a person to become depressed, have low-self esteem and stressed out, this can all be preventable if we just made smarter choice as to what we put into our bodies. We have to have the correct mindset to start this diet and determined to continue every day following this diet. The outcome will have you feeling great and confident of who you are. It is not just about the diet, exercise also come into play when doing this diet. Yes there is many advantages to this diet but there is also many disadvantages. This diet has the potential to be healthy however it puts us at risk for deficiencies in calcium and vitamin D. It is not necessary to reduce carbohydrates in our diet if they are complex carbohydrates and neither diary. Some foods are important fuels for our brain and muscles activities such as grains, vegetables and fruits. Diary is need for our bones it gives us calcium so our bones can be strong and health cutting dairy out of your diet could possibly be a wrong thing to do. Not enough diary could cause osteoporosis and rickets. The paleo diet could overtime increase lipids and LDL that raises the risk of heart diseases. If the intake of carbohydrates is extremely low it may lead to an overuse of fat for energy. When it comes to the diet exercise is neither encouraged or discouraged. It is prefered to go out for a walk and not do

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