
Palliative Care : A System Of Holistic Care

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Palliative care is a system of holistic care aimed to satisfy the requirements of the chronically ill, typically within their home and community rather than as an in-patient1. Hospice is based on the same principles of care, however, it requires that a patient be deemed with six months or less to live and that life-sustaining treatments be ceased, creating an important distinction between the two. Hospice and palliative care both provide comfort, but hospice is for comfort during end-of-life. Pain and palliative care patients have indicated that receiving that care not only reduced their pain that was once intolerable either completely or to a substantial extent, but it also maintained or increased their hope and outlook on life1. In this country, palliative medicine is a relatively new field of medicine. It wasn’t until 2014 that the WHO began to recognize “palliative and end of life care services as essential and integral to health systems worldwide”2.
Palliative care in the United States began as an extension of hospice from the United Kingdom and first started reaching patients in 19733. Cicely Saunders, of London, considered the “matriarch of the worldwide hospice movement,” was invited to Yale in 1963 to give a series of lectures about her development of “approaches to managing pain and the total needs of the dying patients based on the philosophy of using a team to treat the whole person”3. It was from these lectures that hospice of Branford, Connecticut

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