
Panic Disorder Research Paper

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As of 2007, 1 in 60 Americans were affected by panic disorder (“Panic Disorder Sick”). Panic disorder, as well as all other mental illnesses, is a solemn disorder that deserves to be treated seriously. Many people experience panic disorder, and it can affect lives greatly. By understanding what panic disorder is, it’s various symptoms, and treatments, doctors can be better able to help individuals to lead healthy lives.
Panic Disorder is a condition that causes people to feel overwhelming and intense fear without an actual danger being present (“Panic Disorder Sick”). In the year 2003, 19.1 million people between ages 18 and 54 were affected by some sort of anxiety disorder, like panic disorder, in the United States (“Anxiety Disorders”). …show more content…

Many of them are physical. Someone experiencing a panic attack will have an increased heart rate, and fast breathing (“Panic Disorder World”). A feeling of nausea and being dizzy are also common (“Panic Disorder Sick”). People with panic disorder may also sweat a considerable amount more than normal, along with chills, chest pains, and even choking sensations (“Panic Disorder Sick”). People who have experienced a panic attack sometimes report that they were convinced they were having a heart attack, dying or choking, and they could not escape (“Panic Disorder …show more content…

They may display strange behavior like fears or suspicions that do not make sense because they are unrealistic (“Mental Disorder”). They sometimes try to cope with those fears and suspicions by trying to escape or avoid certain places and activities (Shear). Avoiding the problems that panic disorder causes also may prevent them from getting treatment because they want to avoid confronting the fear and not acknowledge that they have a problem. (Shear). People that are affected may also show no desire to interact with others and are distant from close friends and family (“Mental Disorder”). Signs that panic disorder, or other mental illnesses, is developing also include quitting major activities without warning, sensitivity to hearing, and noticeable changes in sleep and hygiene patterns (“Mental Disorder”). Even though it may be hard to imagine, having many of these symptoms at once is a terrifying experience for people who are faced with panic

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