
Papers On Anne Frank

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Anne Frank

“I hope I shall be able to confide in you completely, as I have never been able to do in anyone before, and I hope that you will be a great support and comfort for to me” ( Frank). Anne Frank, short for Anneliese Marie Frank, was born in 1929, and died around 1945. Her father, Otto Frank, was born in 1889 and died in 1980, and was a prosperous businessman. On January 30, 1933, Hitler had taken over Germany. Anne and her family were Jewish, and they were forced to move to a new place for a new life. Anne Frank was a victim of the holocaust, and she would later use her experience before, during, and after WWII to illustrate through her writing, the thought of a teenager during a time war.
Before WW2, Anne attend two school’s; Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam and Jewish Lyceum. Anne was born on June 12,1929, in Frankfurt, Germany. She was the child of Otto and Edith Frank. Anne was their second daughter, after her older sister Margot. In 1935, the Franks moved to Amsterdam due to Hitler taking over Germany. Anne never really paid much attention to what was happening with the jews, but one thing she did notice was the racism that was showed in school. On May 10, 1940, …show more content…

Otto returned to Amsterdam and gos to Meip house, Mr. Otto believe that his family would still be alive. Otto Frank knew that Anne wanted to become an author or journalist, and had hoped her wartime writings would one day be published. Later on Mr.Otto help to publish the Diary of Anne. Diary Letters from June 14, 1942 to August 1, 1944 was published on June 25, 1947. The diary was published in America in 1952 as “The Diary of a Young Girl.”The diary provides a vivid and poignant glimpse into the world of a young Jewish girl living in Nazi occupied Holland. Anne diary want all around the world, he later says about this moment: “If she had been here, Anne would have been so proud." May 3,1960 The Annex became a museum, to show the people how they

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