
Parable On The Mount And The Great Commission Essay

Decent Essays

Around 2,000 years ago, the Christian faith began in Israel, and many people documented the historic uprising of Jesus of Nazareth and the growth of the religion. Before Jesus, the Hebraic Old Testament provided Jews with a guideline for one of the first monotheistic faiths, and Jews believed that God would send a Messiah to save His people. Once Jesus came, confusion surrounded Jesus, but amidst the doubt of the public Jesus taught the world about love and faith. Christian people documented His teachings and four biographies, the Gospels, began the process of the writings of the New Testament. Historians and scholars today question the reliability of the Gospels as many doubts about the reliability of manuscripts copied for 2,000 years. …show more content…

Matthew, Mark, and Luke were inserted into the Canon as they each gave several accurate stories of Jesus’ life (Strobel, 1998). Matthew focuses on the background and historic setting of Jesus’ time before transferring over to the teachings of Jesus. This format allows for Christians to have a quick, historical based introduction to Jesus before the author includes significant moments such as the Parable on the Mount and the Great Commission. The first Gospel targeted Jews and tried to convince God’s people that Jesus was the Messiah. Mark offers little introduction and almost immediately by jumping into the description and events of Jesus’ ministry. This book earned its spot in the Bible by addressing the persecution Christian people will face. Luke targeted the Gentiles of the Christian faith and by using Jesus’ teachings, the author tried to convince people that Gentiles hold an important role in the spread of the Christian faith. The last Gospel, John, approaches the writing much differently. John provides more of the facts and signs that Christians may use in a more statistical approach to the story of Jesus (Walvoord, 1983). For several hundred years, the Canon of the Bible developed and the Church leaders eventually settled on the four Gospels known now, to help represent

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