
Case Study On Paranoid Schizophrenia

Good Essays

Paranoid Schizophrenia Jamaica Webster

University of Phoenix

Dr. Kristi Lane, PhD
September 13, 2010

In this paper one will give a description of the data established upon a case study. One will outline the major symptoms of the disorder discussed in the case. The disorder discussed in this case is Paranoid Schizophrenia. One will give a description of the client background. One will also describe any factors in the client background that may predispose him or her to the disorder. One will describe symptoms that he or she may have observed that supports the diagnosis of the individual. One will describe the inconsistency of the disorder found in the case and explain any information observed about the …show more content…

They had plans to have children and to move from California. Once she completed college the marriage went downhill. He decided he did not want to move or have children. She believed she started developing symptoms of schizophrenia because of unhappiness and disappointments. She later experience delusions of people plotting against her. The symptoms became more complicated and her husband committed to a psychiatric facility.

Predisposing Factors Valerie mentions a few factors during her interview that may predispose her to developing paranoid schizophrenia. Growing up Valerie always felt as though she was a social outcast. This piece of information shows the reader that Valerie experienced a negative symptom of paranoid schizophrenia during her younger years. A negative symptom of paranoid schizophrenia would be a person’s failure to interact with people, which Valerie displayed when she felt as though she were a social outcast (Kohn, 2009). Valerie believes that the last four years of her marriage are what brought about her development of paranoid schizophrenia. During her last four years of marriage Valerie experienced a great deal of stress and strain to keep her marriage together. Because Valerie did not believe in divorce she turned to her religion and became deeply involved in her church. Her first delusion began during this period when she believed bad people were infiltrating her church and trying to destroy the

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