
Parent-Related Study Of Marijuana Essay

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There has been an extensive amount of research done on risk factors and marijuana use. Among adolescents the vast majority of the research has identified five major risk factors associated with adolescent marijuana use, family relations (parent-child attachment), peer associations, substance abuse programs, gender, and race. Some researchers have found that the family is the best predictor of adolescent marijuana use, while others claim that peer associations are predictors of adolescent marijuana use. Others believe that substance abuse programs are the key to deterring adolescent drug use. The final groups of researchers believe gender and race are the underlining predictors. The following studies will give a quick overview of the prior research on risk factors and adolescent marijuana use.
Parent-Child Attachment
According to Hoffmann (1993) adolescents who suffer from a parental death or divorce are likely to turn to marijuana to help cope with the stress that has been created. A death or divorce is extremely detrimental to adolescents because it hinders them from creating or continuing a bond with their family. A strong family relationship rarely affects adolescent behavior after a negative event like this occurs. Because attachment has been weakened by a big event, it is very difficult to regain the family …show more content…

Family disruptors such as divorce and remarriage also have particular influences on drug use. Older adolescents are greatly affected by divorce and remarriage because the family structure has changed. This tends to make older adolescents look for support systems outside the home. The effects of the change can cause adolescents to seek out positive or negative relationships with peers. Younger adolescents are less affected by family disruptors because they do not have the same opportunities or freedom to look outside the home for support, as do older adolescents

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