
Patrick Henry Speech To The Second Virginia Convention Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Patrick Henry’s Speech to the Second Virginia Convention uses very powerful rhetorical devices, mainly kairos and pathos, ethos, and a dash of logos, in order to force his audience to question how they’re handling their situation concerning Great Britain. He uses very authoritative and questioning tones to develop his argument further as well as develop a sense of trust in his audience. His ultimate goal, through the use of effective persuasion techniques and a strong tone, is to persuade his audience into changing their ways and adopting his own method of dealing with the issue at hand. Henry first begins his speech by stating he is indeed a patriot, or more accurately, the man who thinks the highest of patriotism, quickly followed by a respectful acknowledgement to his opposition. This very brief, yet powerful opening immediately establishes a very strong relationship to his audience, his opponents included. This short opening creates ethos as well, making Henry seem to be a person who truly does care for his country, and for every person, not only his allies. Followed by these first statements, he uses a very brief and unnoticed oversimplification of stating their issue is “nothing less than a question of freedom or …show more content…

He almost immediately begins to ask very short and simple questions, met with his own, very short, simple answers, and examples of Britain's grievances such as how Britain is militarizing and how their petitions have been ignored. This causes the audience to question how they are handling the issues Great Britain has brought upon them, and, ultimately, causing them to rethink their choices. Henry’s goal is to give the audience a question of which they cannot answer unless they think similar to how he

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