
Pay It Forward

Decent Essays

REFLECTION: Pay It Forward Maybe someday I'll have kids of my own. I hope so. If I do, they'll probably ask what part I played in the movement that changed the world. And because I'm not the person I once was, I'll tell them the truth. My part was nothing. I did nothing. I was just the guy in the corner doing my usual thing.. I found out that actions have consequences, and not everything is under my control. Until I found out that I couldn't change the world at all, but a seemingly extra-ordinary movie, and a twelve-year-old boy could change the world completely — for the better, and forever—working with nothing but his own altruism, one good idea, and a couple of years, and a big sacrifice. It started with a teacher who moved …show more content…

We can start with the most ordinary ingredients. A small kindness can go a long way. We can start with the world you've got. Mine, I'll start with my parents, those people close to me, and randomly give acts of kindness to those who needed it

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