
Peak Oil and Population

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epletion of Natural Resources: The effects of overpopulation are quite severe. The first of these is the depletion of resources. The Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current needs. Most of the environmental damage being seen in the last fifty odd years is because of the growing number of people on the planet. They are cutting down forests, hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host of problems. Those engaged in talking about overpopulation have noticed that acts of violence and aggression outside of a war zone have increased tremendously while competing for resources.

Overcrowding I don 't know about you, but back in school I heard about …show more content…

production, and his prediction for World peak production was around 2006. There is ample disagreement among experts as to if and when this will happen, but some experts point to the sharp rises in oil prices since 2007 as an indication that oil is now passing it 's peak production. See these Feb. & March 2010 articles for three current estimates.

As our population and our needs for energy rise, we try to exploit ever more difficult sources of energy. At least half of the cause of the oil-spill disaster in the Gulf is oil soaked pelican
May 25: "Let 's make no mistake about it, what is at threat here is our way of life"
Gov. Bobby Jindal the unprecedented rise in population. If we had only 150 million people in the country, we would not be rushing to drill wells one mile deep in the ocean before we have developed safe technologies to do so. Of course our inefficient energy consumption patterns play a part in the urgency of our needs, and we will have to adjust them over time. But equal efforts must be put into keeping our population below critical levels.
(news about oil & gas)

Other Fuel: Half the World 's population relies

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