
Pearl Harbor Effect On America

Decent Essays

On December 7th 1941 Japanese forces launched a sneak attack on a U.S. naval base. Hundreds were killed and of the 8 ships on station only 3 were not destroyed and even those were badly damaged(Naval History And Heritage Command). This attack was not only bad for America's military, but her people as well. This raid was a defining moment in history, it had a profound affect on America and her people. Causing abruptly, the joining of america in the second world war.

On december 7, 1941 only hours after the attack. President Franklin D. Roosevelt was interrupted from a phone call and told the horrific news. After many meetings with his military advisors he decisively dictated that his secretary Grace Tully (National Archives and Records Administration). To request a declaration of war. Pulling the U.S. into one of the bloodiest wars of all time. Before America had joined the war the Allies had suffered many defeats and America was a key to winning the war. Without the bombing of Pearl Harbor America wouldn't have joined the war, and without America the allies might not have won. …show more content…

The idea that something this catastrophic could happen to their seemingly untouchable country was simply unbelievable. This newfound rage for the japanese united America and yanked them out of neutrality. The Second World War actually provided new jobs for many people in military factories, civilians could take out their anger fueling the American war

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